Fire Company Shows Off Safety Equipment

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2014_1008_ExpressBy AMBER MORRIS
For The Express LOGANTON

The Sugar Valley Community Volunteer Fire Company welcomed the public to an Open House at the Sugar Valley Lion’s Club ball field and playground, on Saturday, Sept. 27.

The event was well attended and gave the public a chance to see how some of the life saving equipment works.

Pastor Brenda Mitchell of the Albright and Trinity United Methodist Churches of Sugar Valley said a prayer and blessed the rescue vehicles. Sugar Valley Fire Company Chief Scott Kemmerer, welcomed everyone and urged them to spend the entire afternoon looking around and talking to the rescue personnel and to visit the new fire truck.

“Our old truck was out- dated and out of service, and we wanted to do something right and get a new, good truck for our community. And we want everyone to know that this isn’t our truck – it’ s your truck. We appreciate the community so much. The way that you support us not just financially, but through participation is unbelievable,” he said.

Children and adults alike, got to operate a hose, wear a real fire fighter’s uniform and watch how the fire company works with local companies like Bressler’s Garage out of Carroll to remove large trucks at the scene of an accident.

Spectators watched in awe as Bressler’s employees and members Of the fire company lifted a tractor trailer truck off of a car, and with many jacks and a crane attached to a massive tow truck, they lifted the truck from the vehicle.

A group of little boys standing nearby “ooohed and ahhed” over every move, and every slamming noise. Rescue personnel then jumped in and used the “Jaws of Life” to safely extradite a rather flat “patient.” Life Flight from Geisinger Medical Center in Danville landed in the soccer field and answered questions as they gave a tour of their helicopter. Raymond Kemmerer of Loganton was impressed with its landing ability. “That thing came right in here, and landed so smoothly. I bet it could’ve stopped on a dime,” he said.

The star of the day, as Chief Kemmerer had mentioned, was the fire truck. The crimson led Rosenbauer 2014 Freightliner made its public debut and numerous people stopped in front of the emblem to have their photos taken with a bright yellow fire helmet on their head.

Erica Galentine of Loganton enjoyed the sunny afternoon along with her family in Booneville. “It was nice to see them come out and let everyone look around the equipment,” she said. “Our most favorite part was getting to check out Life Flight. I love how our community comes together for all events.”

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Source: The Express


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