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A personal message from the owner and president of Bressler’s Garage, Inc.:

Rural central Pennsylvania is characterized by interstate roads, limited access highways, and roads barely large enough for an ATV. Our business recognizes the challenges this presents to the hard-working volunteer fire companies that provide emergency services to the citizens living and traveling in this beautiful area.

It is with great honor and dedication that our staff supports these organizations by assisting with training scenarios whenever possible. Examples include: training provided by the Muncy Area Mutual Aid (MAMA) every March; NRC Days held at our Williamsport facility on September 6, 2014; and a joint recovery exercise with the Clinton County Emergency Services at our Loganton facility in August of 2013. Joint training with the various emergency services is paramount to working efficiently and in unison at real emergency scenes.

I am proud of the fact that all of our operators are WreckMaster trained and certified. Please ask to see our identification.

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